Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Would You Wear for Interview?

Making myself feeling pretty is part of my norm especially when I’m preparing myself for a …….date/ girls hang out because I can be true to myself by wearing what I wanted to; not what people want.  I realized I am well-versed to get ready for that kind of occasion rather than a formal one!  Truthfully if I were to wear jacket for work, I would be mistaken for I-wanted-to-have-fun-at-work impression as compared to i-am-freakin-serious-about-my-job impression carried by other people who wear jacket. Meehhh~~ Do I have that much vivacious vibe in me? Tehee~

Due to my sense of fashion which is totally incongruous with office-work environment, I have trouble in putting up an outfit for the upcoming interview. To be interviewed by white people, wearing baju kurung wouldn’t impress them enough. Yadda yadda.. I will save it for work and if their eyes sore because of the bright colourful floppy baju kurung look, I’ll sing them an old song “Selamat Tinggal Pujaan by S Jibeng” which sounds like this:
Tak.. guna.. bersedih….
Tak guna kau… kenang lagi….
( I know you knew the song that I’ve been crapping about
*semua orang tahu lagu ini okayyy*)

To get the polished look is actually easy peasy. You just need to tuck in your shirt into pants and voila! But…. Exposing the gluteus maximus (especially if the pants are fit) is the total opposite of modesty ethic. So, I decided to pair a new green floral flimsy jacket which I bought from Lawa-Lawalah store during their moving sale; with a white sleeveless shirt and dark blue pants. Truthfully I feel hesitant at first about buying the jacket due to its pattern and the glossy finishes which kinda…look…like…a fabric to make baju kurung instead? 0_o

Fingers crossed. Wear it. Like it. Bought it for RM15! SOLD! Wohoo~ It turns out to be quite compelling and coincidently I’m in the middle of transitioning to a more diverse kind of style; which is good for me. Hehe. Ouh one more thing! I match the whole outfit with my favorite light yellow shawl by WaffaShawl. The whole looks make me feelin like I’m a fun yet committed girl that is ready to rock their workplace! Alas! It’s up to them to interpret what sort of impression that I bring during the interview. T_T

QUESTION: So, what did you girls (guys also can lorh) wear for an interview? It could be for work, scholarship or loan interview. Do tell me in detaaaaaaails! :D


  1. you've been to lawalawa moving out sale???? best nyee.. i terlepas that day coz something came up. padahal i live nearby je.. belakang zoo tu.. haha

    1. haah. itupun dtg lambat sikit sbb tiba2 hujan turun lebat. kalo dtg on time mesti lgi byk bole grab :)

  2. time kaseyyy :D hope u like it hereee

  3. Pakai-lah pakaian yang kemas dan bersih yang dapat menampilkan keyakinan diri. Insya Allah. Allah suka yang bersih dan cantik, so kita pakai yang cantik dan bersih.

    “Sesungguhnya Allah telah meletakkan had tertentu (dalam kehidupan kita), maka jangan kamu cerobohinya, dan telah mewajibkan beberapa kewajipan dan jangan kamu sesekali mengabaikannya dan telah mengharamkan beberapa perkara dan jangan kamu langgarinya.”



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