*minum air nenas produk FruitTree sambil tulis entry*
Tak silap aku dalam minggu lepas, aku dapat parcel dari 6th
Sense. Dapat je terus bukak parcel tu and it turns out aku dapat a beige
colour, classic flare pant! That’s cooool. Balik je Malaysia, terus dapat
barang free. Rejeki ni. Hehe. Aku ape lagi. Terus masuk bilik pergi tukar
seluar. Bila pakai seluar tu, truthfully, it feels comfortable. Kualiti kain
pulak memang smart ar babe sebab rasa lembut je kain tu. Nak compare the price
of the pant dengan jenis kain dia, it’s seriously reasonable. Seluar ni tak
melekat macam seluar yang materialnya lycra, which is obviously good la! Besides,
it kinda stretchable jugak. So, whenever korang tertambah 1-2 kg, still boleh
pakai seluar ni. The best part is, ada few ranges of sizes, hence everyone can
buy this flare pant! Kalau free size je, alamatnya orang size macam aku je la
yang paling bertuah. Hehe. don't worry about the length of this pant because it kinda long for me. aku kena lipat dua kali kot. lipat dua kali tak bermakna aku pendek. seluar ni je yang panjang sangat. hehe. untuk gadis tinggi di luar sana, this shop might be your perfect site to shop because surely korang takkan senteng pakai seluar ni.
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beige flare pant: 6th Sense | oversized cardigan: cilok ibunda punya | inner: TEMT | sandal: Jelly Bunny | light purple shawl: Poppin Hijab | bracelet: Lovisa
Okay..now, you guys know the awesomeness of this flare pant.
Next, let’s go to the more fun part, which is, mix and match! Yeaay. On the
first time aku tengok flare pant ni, aku terfikir nak pakai some kind of office
look, such as, with blazer or blouse. But, I think I have to try different kind
of match. Macam agak cliché pulak flare pants dengan blouse kan. So, maybe try
something a little bit more rilex such as match it with cardigan perhaps? =). Coincidently, aku jumpa a perfect oversized
cardigan dalam almari mak aku, untuk dimatchkan dengan seluar ni. Dah la warna
ala-ala beige jugak. I loooike. Since the whole outfit look too beige, aku balut
kepala aku dengan light purple shawl just to tone down the beige. And, tadaaa! Here
is my look for this classic flare pant.
Nak jugak flare pant ni? Just check it out here! And check
out other new arrival stuffs too! =)
p/s: tulis dengan jujurnya.
5 years ago
mau juga ! flare pant nampak lebih sopan :)
ReplyDeletenice..nice :-)
ReplyDeletenak jugak
nice....sopan jer
ReplyDeletei love your cardi! :)
ReplyDeletenice top!
ReplyDeleteJom join Giveaway Simply Swack ! 20 hadiah ditawarkan !
mcm berkenan jer.hehe
ReplyDeletenk beli gak laaa.hoho
ifa..lama tak update blog.. (:
ReplyDeleteCantek, flare pant..!
ReplyDeletesalam ukhuwah dari bunda